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Posts posted by t-rae

  1. I remember a live action Alice in Wonderland from 1985 that has Ringo Star as the Mock Turtle. I think that one is also very true to the book and was always a favorite of mine when I was growing up. I made Anthony watch it a few months ago and even he enjoyed it, apart from the fact it is a musical. It seriously has every 80's star you can think of in it including "Mr. Miyagi", "Charles in Charge", and "George Jefferson". It's worth a look
  2. It is so nice to be able to roll all the way over again, and while we are only sleeping in short spurts the sleep I do get is coma-like and I find myself feeling quite refreshed in the mornings.

    Thanks to everyone for all the well-wishes! It’s nice to log on and see so many people interested in our little one.
  3. Now that we will be moving to New Zealand next month I need to find someone to buy the car that I thought so long and hard about around this time last year. The only problem is that no one seems to want to pay me what it's worth. I've had adds out for over a week in the local paper, buy and sell, and carzone, and the best "offer" I've gotten is €6000 for a car that is worth €10000. What the hell?!?! In fairness, I didn't really expect to get €10000 for it, but I thought a real offer might start at €9000. I'm really not sure what I'll do if I can't get it sold soon. Any ideas?
  4. You must have had them taken out in the states. That seems to be the American dental attitude to just take them all out. I had all of mine taken out when I was 16 because my dentist didn't want my orthodontic work ruined. Studies now show that wisdom teeth will in no way affect future crowding of ones teeth. So I went through all that pain and post GA hallucinations for nothing!

    Dentist here in Ireland only take them out if they cause problems like chronic infections, because the risks from the surgical procedure are too high. You are at risk of permanent nerve damage or opening a hole from the roof of you mouth into the sinus (which happened to the lovely 98 year old) when you have wisdom teeth removed . Those things don't happen often, but they wouldn't happen at all if you just left them there. So I would say if you haven't had a bother with them then just leave them be.
  5. What do you folks think about a recurring dream/nightmare being a look into your future, or even a glimpse into a past life? I myself very rarely remember my dreams, and when I do they are very vague, but my dad is 100% convinced that he had a past life because of a recurring dream he had as a child that lasted for YEARS. Al's dream is what made me think about it. He (my dad) said every night he would have a dream that he was being shot. He said he could feel the bullet enter his skin, he could feel the heat off it, the pain as it ripped into flesh and the blood start to drain out of his body.

    Now, my dad is very level headed and it's not like him to buy into such things. I think the dreams stopped for him all together when he was in his teens, but he has no doubt in his mind that he was reliving how he died in a past life.
  6. I get where you're coming from Lubes, most people from the states wouldn't survive a day on your irish "roads". However, I lived in Alaska for three years, and for those of you who don't know in Alaska you need to deal with small unfinished roads, frost heaves, snow, ice, drunk eskimos, bears, and moose. It took awhile to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road, but now that I have overcome that, the rest should be a breeze.

    Thanks again for the advice on cars Lubes, after driving the rented Micra all weekend, the only bad thing i found about it is the amount of road noise at high speeds, but that is something I can live with. Thus, I will be buying a 2004 Micra tomorrow!
  7. I think I'm leaning towards a Micra, I have always had good luck with "Jap cars" as well. I have decided to rent one this weekend for a road trip Anthony and I are taking. If all goes well with that, I think I will be buying one of those.
  8. I'm looking into buying a new used car in the near future. I think I have narrowed it down to a 2003 VW Polo or a 2003 Nissan Micra, but being from the states, I haven't a clue about some of the cars that are on the market here.

    I want something new, but not brand new (too expensive), and I want it to be something that won't give me any problems for the next 5 years or so. Anyone have info about good/bad cars in Ireland?
  9. One thing you may want to think about before hand is if you have 900 bucks to pay for having a tooth crowned. In my many years of sucking spit, I can't count the amount of teeth that have been chipped, cracked, and broken in half by people with tongue rings.

    I would also say that you find out more about them numbing you. If they are going to use a needle and local anaesthetic I can think of many many other things wrong with that, like losing all feeling in our tongue and jaw. Just make sure you do research before you do anything.
  10. 1. What is your full name?
    Tara Rae Williams

    2. What color pants are you wearing?
    Blue jeans

    3. What are you listening to right now?
    Willy Wonka soundtrack

    4. What was the last thing you ate?
    Ritz crackers

    5. Do you wish on stars?

    6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

    7. How is the weather right now?
    A bit cloudy, with an amazing sunset

    8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

    10. How old are you today?

    11. Favorite drink?
    Paddy's and 7up

    12. Favorite sport?
    Is sex considered a sport?

    13. Hair color?

    14. Do you wear contacts?

    15. Siblings?
    Two older brothers, Jake and Zach

    16. Favorite month(s)?

    17. Favorite food?
    Depends on the day, but it most likely would have chicken in it.

    18. What was the last movie you watched?
    Princess Bride

    19. Favorite day of the year?
    October 31

    20. What do you do to vent anger?

    21. What was your favorite toy as a child?
    Music box

    22. Summer or winter?

    23. Hugs or kisses?

    24. Chocolate or Vanilla?

    25. Living arrangements?
    In a house with two other girls

    29. When was the last time you cried?

    30. What is under your bed?

    31. Who is the friend you have had the longest?

    32. What did you do last night?
    Talked on the phone any went to bed early.

    33. Favorite smell?

    34. What inspires you?
    Love and pain.

    35. What are you afraid of?
    What ifs

    36. Plain, buttered or salted popcorn?

    37. Favorite car?
    couldn't care less

    38. Favorite Flower?
    Starting to love carnations

    39. Number of keys on your key ring?

    40. How many years at your current job?
    4 months

    41. Favorite day of the week?

    42. What did you do on your last birthday?
    Spent it in bliss with Anthony

    43. How many states have you lived in?

    44. Have many cities have you lived in?

    45. How many children do you have?

    46. What is your favorite book(s)?
    At the moment Princess Bride

    47. How many times have you been in love?
    Until recently, I would have said 3, but now, just once

    48. would you rather lose your ability to see or to hear (really pick-- no trick

    49. what is the first thing you do when you wake up (after nature calls,
    weekdays:get ready for work weekends:smooch etc....

    50. how many times in your life have you drastically changed your mind about
    what it all means, or had an epiphany, or something like that? do you think
    will do it again?
  11. Anthony and I are getting ready to take a holiday to Munich, Vienna, and Prague. Neither of us have been to these destinations, so if anyone reading has, I would love it if you could tell us about some "must see's" in the area.
  12. Your most likely right, but if the 4th can see something, and you feel something, it might be better to let your friend know. These things tend to exculate and something will end up happening, and someone will get hurt.
    I really don't know the whole story so I don't know how helpful I'm being, but one of my rules for life is "honesty is always best".
  13. What do you know about the way this guy feels about your friend? What if it's you he likes and not your friend?
    I think if your friend was a true friend, and this guy liked you and not her, she would step aside. I know I would if it was my friend.
    You should get an outside opinon from someone who knows the 3 of you and see what they think about the situation. They would be less clouded by feelings, and give you an idea of weather or not you should step aside and move on.
  14. Let me start by saying I love Ireland, and would rather live here than anywhere else, but I do I have a problem with the level of customer service in the country thus far. I admit that it is nice being able to walk through a shop without being bombarded by shop staff asking "Can I help you find anything?" and telling me baby poop brown would "look amazing with your coloring". But when you pay an ass-load of money for something like internet service and it stops working for some reason, most likely because your internet service provider fucked something up, they charge you another full ass-load of money just so you can have someone talk you through how to fix their fuck-up. What the hell is that about?!?
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