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Posts posted by Raven

  1. This is a really lame reply, and I apologize in advance.

    I'm a big sucker for the acting. Any acting. It can make or break something for me.

    I ADORED the guy who played Nite Owl II. It's like he strolled out of the comic and into the movie - visually and otherwise. I felt the same about Dr. Manhattan and the Comedian, but not as strongly. Rorschach not at all visually (as the person, not the 'hero') or Ozymandius.

    I hated both Silk Specters. Mom I didn't dislike so much, but I felt the chic who played Silk Specter II was there just to look the part. I otherwise wanted to boot her in her skinny ass. Maybe because Alan Moore's comic women tend to be pretty masculine on paper. Maybe I', being a stickler. Mostly, I think I felt that as someone who is supposed to be a sex icon, neither really did it for me. Not at all the curvy sensual types they should have been (unintentionally in II's part). She didn't even convey it. She didn't have that real no B.S. attitude she has in the comics (scolding the people they rescue from the building on fire).

    I dont' know. I enjoyed the movie a lot. Not as much as I enjoyed other adaptations (i.e. V for Vendetta) because it was like doing LOTR or Harry Potter and cramming a lot of story into a small time frame while maintaining the high action and eye candy content that is required in visual entertainment. I just think better no-names could have been picked for some characters to make the character rather than to just look it.
  2. Trying for or you're already going to be? I want to start getting into the extra scene, I just never know where to look. Being this close to LA and how much is shot around here, you'd think it would be easier.
  3. I was really getting into it and getting a bit more excited about the movie right up until the fridge part. All of a sudden I realised what the rest of the movie was probably going to be like and fell into a mildly mind numbing bemusement. That is until I felt like kicking a hole in the screen for the cop out cheesy all-imploding ending.
  4. I'm happy to heat that things went well!! Congratulations to you both, of course! Had I known you were in the Grand Canyon, I may have tried to time my passing through it to coincide with you in an invasion and roadside harassment attempt.
    How did the ween do on the flights? How're you three getting on now?
  5. Ok so this isn't funny or really on par with what's normally posted here, but I had to get my zoo kicks in some where, and *I* think this is pretty damn cool!

    Plus, if you don't like Attenborough, I will have to do you some serious harm.
  6. Is my belief wrong? wink.gif

    I will concede to your moany bastardly ways concerning beast with a million backs. It was indeed pointless rubbish. I was thoroughly unimpressed.
  7. I'm currently in the process of procurring it. I did hear it had fairly bad reviews. I did like the first one, though. Yeah, some of it was forced, the jokes were drawn out, the musicals were bad but annoying enough I'd find myself singing them at work, and because I'm obsessed with time paradox fun I over analysed the hell out of it, but yeah I still enjoyed it.

    Kiiiind of worries about billion backs though.

    However, Al, are you ever fully happy with anything?
  8. Season 2 is remarkably weak. Beautiful shots and still good characters, but after finding out they would be cancelled, they rushed through the history parts and it was decidedly more soap-opera. Which was a shame, cause it certainly was enjoyable for a while.
  9. well I managed to see it, finally. I have to say that, for once, King's ending was more optomistic for the characters than was the movies!!! Good lord that was depressing.
  10. Im a self-accused Eugenicist. Not along the lines of hitler, or sterlisation, but I firmly believe certain people should pass a licensure or fined for breeding. Without, they breed uncontrollably. Just look at the NEDS, yobs, chavs etc. I dont care if human rights activists claim its a violation, because honestly, those that fall into that category violate everyone else's human rights. The chances of the next einstein christ child being born into that environment is outweighed by the chance they'll turn out exactly the same and multiply.

    I'm not entirely classist tho - there are plenty of more 'well off' folk I don't want raising kids, and plenty of less well off folk i do. So, Im sticking to my licensing wink.gif
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